Join the Cat's Pajamas Collaborative
A community of creative professionals, a safe space to test ideas, build relationships & develop opportunities
We believe in the power of collaboration & having a network of like-minded people who cheerlead for you, are there to provide advice & to challenge you when you need it to really stretch & grow.
We meet up monthly for the Cat’s Pajamas Speakeasy where we talk all things comms, wellbeing, leadership & collaboration. Our conversations are wide-ranging & provide members the chance to showcase knowledge & experience, seek advice from other experts & to bring things to the group for feedback.
The Collaborative has a diverse membership from communications coaches, market researchers, PR practitioners, media trainers & crisis communications experts. We have experience of working in-house as well as being self-employed. This wealth of knowledge & experience is building a strong network who only want to help each other be the best versions of themselves.
As well as the monthly meet-up & access to the private Facebook Group, you can join us for exclusive ticketed events where we host Q&As with communications leaders who open up & share learning from their career to date to inspire and motivate you. All this is yours for an investment of £96 per year.
Join us & reap the benefits of being part of this community of creative professionals.
I am really chuffed to be a member of the Cat's Pajamas collaborative. It's vital to have a support network when self-employed. To have a group who you can ask for advice & share ideas is invaluable.